(20 May 2022, 12:20 +07)
China Airlines has published the second edition
of its independent Task Force on Climate-Related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD) report.
The TCFD process was used to simulate and study
the potential risk scenarios from extreme climate, as well as
strengthen related corporate management capabilities on financial
response and decision-making.
Recognizing the close relationship between airline
operations and the climate, China Airlines joined the global
TCFD initiative in 2018. The airline also formed an inter-departmental TCFD task force to incorporate global climate risk and
transformation factors into the company's corporate risk management
China Airlines uses SAF when ferrying new Airbus aircraft back to Taiwan
The second edition of the independent climate
governance report released by China Airlines this year builds on
the first edition by providing more information on corporate risk
management. The five core carbon reduction strategies from
Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050 were also added. These include
improvement of fuel efficiency, upgrading off TCFD process and
emergency response systems, promotion and adoption of Sustainable
Aviation Fuel (SAF), participation in international carbon control
schemes, introducing new technology for carbon reduction when
appropriate, continuing to track internal and external risks,
management of opportunity topics, and engagement with response
capability to improve corporate climate governance; for example,
response measures were devised prevention of flooding from heavy
rainfall, or flights being rescheduled or diverted due to special
weather conditions.
China Airlines has already committed to net-zero emissions by 2050. Phased carbon reduction targets and
annual actions plan have also been set for flight and ground
carbon emissions in response to international trends on carbon
reduction and stakeholder expectations.
More recently, a recent sustainability demonstration flight adopted up to a
hundred innovative eco-friendly measures from fuel-saving routes,
apron operations, online check-in to in-flight catering and
amenities as part of the airline's efforts to conserve energy and cut
carbon emissions.
Travelers offset 299.77 tons of carbon under the
China Airlines “ECO Travel Carbon Offsetting”. Mandarin Airlines
and Tigerair Taiwan were also enrolled in this voluntary program
for travelers in 2021, giving all travelers with China Airlines
the opportunity to participate in and support international
sustainability developments.
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